


Embodied Imagination Japan was founded in Japan in 2018. It is part of the International Society for Embodied Imagination (ISEI) whose purpose is the propagation of notions, studies and communities of practice in the field of Embodiment.
In 1985, Embodied Imagination (EI) was introduced in Japan by its founder, Robert Bosnak, PsyA. Embodied Dream Work (EDW), the Japanese counterpart of EI has existed for decades, teaching and training many individuals in this method.
Embodied Imagination Japan, based on the legacy of EDW and the goals of the ISEI, aims to continue to promote the practice and interest in Embodied Imagination in Japan. It aims to support and develop, among individuals and groups, an on-going education and training of practitioners and to develop a strong relationship with the members of our international community interested in Embodiment work.

連絡先 contact address

東京都品川区南大井6-17-16 パークウィンビル301
山王教育研究所気付 日本体現的ドリームワーク/イマジネーション協会 生野

Email: reception@ebimg-jp.org

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